ART 47 Basel

16. Juni bis 19. Juni 2016
James Bishop, Antonio Calderara, Joseph Egan, Dan Flavin, Giorgio Griffa, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Rita McBride, Ree Morton, Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Glen Rubsamen, Fred Sandback, Richard Tuttle

Kontinuität ist ein Stichwort, das einen wichtigen Aspekt unserer Galeriearbeit treffend beschreibt. 1969 haben wir unsere Tätigkeit als Galeristen aufgenommen und seit 1971 nehmen wir den Juni-Termin der Art Basel als Aussteller wahr.

Bereits 1984 haben wir uns entschieden, unseren Messestand als kuratierte Ausstellung zu konzipieren; als eine Ausstellung, die einen besonderen Schwerpunkt im gesamten Kunstjahr darstellt. Wir meinen, dass das Profil und die Haltung einer Galerie, sowohl durch die ausgestellten Werke wie durch die Gestaltung der Ausstellung, sichtbar und nachvollziehbar sein sollen.

Für unsere diesjährige Messebeteiligung ist eine Veränderung anzuzeigen, welche die Kontinuität unserer Präsenz an der Art Basel betrifft. Wir haben den Standort, den wir über viele Jahre innehatten, aufgegeben. Nach den zahlreichen Umplatzierungen, die 2015 vorgenommen wurden, schien es uns vorrangig, einen Ausstellungsstand in einem Umfeld bespielen zu können, das unserer Geschichte und unserem Programm besser entspricht. Wir haben im wörtlichen Sinne die Seite gewechselt. Sie finden uns wie immer in der Halle 2.0, jetzt mit einem Eckstand B4 zum Korridor.

Kontinuität wollen wir auch in diesem Jahr mit unserem Ausstellungsgut wahren. Wir setzen einen besonderen Schwerpunkt mit der Präsentation einer kleinen Retrospektive des italienischen Malers Antonio Calderara (1903-1978). Bereits 1969 haben wir die Arbeiten dieses aussergewöhnlichen Meisters des Lichts, der Transparenz und der Atmosphäre erstmals gezeigt. Mit Antonio Calderara verband uns eine herzliche Freundschaft.  Bis zu seinem Tod präsentierten wir regelmässig seine Bilder und Aquarelle, und auch später haben wir immer wieder auf dieses wunderbare Lebenswerk hingewiesen. Im Oktober dieses Jahres wird das neue Museum LAC in Lugano dem Künstler eine grosse Übersichtsschau widmen und im Februar 2017 wird eine solche im Kunstmuseum Winterthur zu Gast sein.

Richard Tuttle (*1941) wird zurzeit in New York vom Metropolitan Museum mit einer Einzelpräsentation neuer Werke geehrt. Für die Räume des Kunstmuseums Winterthur entstanden zudem Werkgruppen, die den Reichtum und die Vitalität seiner Kunst überzeugend belegen (noch bis 24.Juni). An der Art erwarten Sie bei uns bedeutende frühe und aktuelle Arbeiten. Wir vertreten den Künstler seit 1974.

Von Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) ist im Neubau des Kunstmuseums Basel Wall Drawing 304 installiert. Dieses kapitale Werk von 1977 ist eine Neuerwerbung des Museums. 1975 fand seine erste Ausstellung in  unserer Galerie statt. Zwei Wall Drawings können Sie zurzeit in unseren Räumen in Zürich sehen, und selbstverständlich finden Sie seine Werke an unserem Stand.

Installation views

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Fred Sandback, Dan Flavin, Robert Mangold)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view (Fred Sandback)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view (Dan Flavin, Robert Mangold)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view (Richard Tuttle)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Richard Tuttle)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Antonio Calderara)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Antonio Calderara)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Antonio Calderara)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Sol LeWitt)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Joseph Egan)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Rita McBride, Ree Morton,
Glen Rubsamen, Sylvia Plimack Mangold)

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view

 				James Bishop,  				Antonio Calderara,  				Joseph Egan,  				Dan Flavin,  				Giorgio Griffa,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Rita McBride,  				Ree Morton,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Glen Rubsamen,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle, ART 47 Basel

Installation view
(Richard Tuttle, Giorgio Griffa
James Bishop)


James Bishop / James Bishop Untitled  2016 oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop

oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop / James Bishop Untitled  2016 oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop

oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop / James Bishop Untitled  2016 oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop

oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop / James Bishop Untitled  2016 oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop

oil paint, color crayon and collage on paper

James Bishop / James Bishop Untitled  1969–1970 oil on paper

James Bishop

oil on paper

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Senza titolo  1942 23,8 x 27,8 cm oil on cardboard

Antonio Calderara
Senza titolo

23,8 x 27,8 cm
oil on cardboard

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Intimità  1957 23 x 29,5 cm oil on cardboard on wood panel

Antonio Calderara

23 x 29,5 cm
oil on cardboard on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Spazio Luce  1959–1960 16 x 20 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Spazio Luce

16 x 20 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Spazio Luce  1961 27 x 35 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Spazio Luce

27 x 35 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Attrazione quadrata grigia in colore luce  1964–1965 27 x 27 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Attrazione quadrata grigia in colore luce

27 x 27 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Spazio colore luce  1972 27 x 18 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Spazio colore luce

27 x 18 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Senza titolo  1973 27 x 27 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Senza titolo

27 x 27 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Lettera di un convalescente  1976 27 x 27 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara
Lettera di un convalescente

27 x 27 cm
oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara / Antonio Calderara Epigramma  1978 23,5 x 26 cm oil on wood panel

Antonio Calderara

23,5 x 26 cm
oil on wood panel

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan quite quiet  62,5 x 50 x 3 cm oil paints on wood

Joseph Egan
quite quiet

62,5 x 50 x 3 cm
oil paints on wood

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan greens  31 x 49,5 x 3 cm oil paints on wood

Joseph Egan

31 x 49,5 x 3 cm
oil paints on wood

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan The Gift (Nr. 1)  49 x 39 x 3 cm; painting 30 x 21 cm oil paints on paper with framing

Joseph Egan
The Gift (Nr. 1)

49 x 39 x 3 cm;
painting 30 x 21 cm
oil paints on paper with framing

Dan Flavin / Dan Flavin Untitled  1969 61 x 61 cm blue and red fluorescent light (CL #222)

Dan Flavin

61 x 61 cm
blue and red fluorescent light
(CL #222)

Dan Flavin / Dan Flavin Untitled  1969 61 x 61 cm blue and red fluorescent light (CL #222)

Dan Flavin

61 x 61 cm
blue and red fluorescent light
(CL #222)

Giorgio Griffa / Giorgio Griffa Untitled  1983 23,5 x 40 cm watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa

23,5 x 40 cm
watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa / Giorgio Griffa Untitled  1983 23,5 x 40 cm watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa

23,5 x 40 cm
watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa / Giorgio Griffa Untitled  1983 23,5 x 40 cm watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa

23,5 x 40 cm
watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa / Giorgio Griffa Untitled  1977 23 x 31 cm watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa

23 x 31 cm
watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa / Giorgio Griffa Untitled  1978 25 x 36 cm watercolor on paper

Giorgio Griffa

25 x 36 cm
watercolor on paper

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt 1,2,3,4,5 (Square)  1986 48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm white painted wood structure

Sol LeWitt
1,2,3,4,5 (Square)

48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm
white painted wood

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt 1,2,3,4,5 (Square)  1986 48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm white painted wood structure

Sol LeWitt
1,2,3,4,5 (Square)

48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm
white painted wood

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt 1,2,3,4,5 (Square)  1986 48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm white painted wood structure

Sol LeWitt
1,2,3,4,5 (Square)

48,5 x 164,5 x 164,5 cm
white painted wood

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Horizontal Lines, Black on Colors  2005 152,4 x 153,7 cm 60 x 60,5 inch gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Horizontal Lines, Black on Colors

152,4 x 153,7 cm
60 x 60,5 inch
gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Wavy Brushstrokes  1996 76,2 x 55,9 cm gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Wavy Brushstrokes

76,2 x 55,9 cm
gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Irregular Grid  2001 28,5 x 74,9 cm gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Irregular Grid

28,5 x 74,9 cm
gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Untitled ( Large Cube Structures)  1965–1969 26,4 x 22,9 cm 10,375 x 9 inch pencil and ink on vellum working drawing

Sol LeWitt
Untitled ( Large Cube Structures)

26,4 x 22,9 cm
10,375 x 9 inch
pencil and ink on vellum
working drawing

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Unknown  1967 15,2 x 24,1 cm 6 x 9,5 inch ink on paper working drawing

Sol LeWitt

15,2 x 24,1 cm
6 x 9,5 inch
ink on paper
working drawing

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Untitled  1966 21 x 14 cm 8,25 x 5,5 inch ink and pencil on paper working drawing

Sol LeWitt

21 x 14 cm
8,25 x 5,5 inch
ink and pencil on paper
working drawing

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Untitled  1966 21 x 14 cm 8,25 x 5,5 inch ink and pencil on paper working drawing

Sol LeWitt

21 x 14 cm
8,25 x 5,5 inch
ink and pencil on paper
working drawing

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt 144 Variations  1968 27,9 x 21,6 cm 11 x 8,5 inch ink on paper working drawing

Sol LeWitt
144 Variations

27,9 x 21,6 cm
11 x 8,5 inch
ink on paper
working drawing

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Modular Structure (#6)  1967 21,6 x 27,9 cm 8,5 x 11 inch ballpoint pen on brown paper working drawing

Sol LeWitt
Modular Structure (#6)

21,6 x 27,9 cm
8,5 x 11 inch
ballpoint pen on brown paper
working drawing

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold 3 Square / Loop Study  2015 53,3 x 105 cm 21 x 41,375 inch acrylic and graphite on paper

Robert Mangold
3 Square / Loop Study

53,3 x 105 cm
21 x 41,375 inch
acrylic and graphite on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Untitled (tan)  1976 30 x 47 cm acrylic and color pencil on paper

Robert Mangold
Untitled (tan)

30 x 47 cm
acrylic and color pencil on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Untitled  1973 22,5 x 22,5 cm pastel and graphite on paper

Robert Mangold

22,5 x 22,5 cm
pastel and graphite on paper

Rita McBride / Rita McBride Yellow Circle Template (large)  2006 64 x 120 cm ink jet print

Rita McBride
Yellow Circle Template (large)

64 x 120 cm
ink jet print

Ree Morton / Ree Morton Untitled (Woodgrain,Scaley Bulb)  1974 48,5 x 61,5 cm crayon and colored pencil on printed paper

Ree Morton
Untitled (Woodgrain,Scaley Bulb)

48,5 x 61,5 cm
crayon and colored pencil on printed paper

Ree Morton / Ree Morton Untitled (Woodgrain, Flower Parts)  1974 48,3 x 63,5 cm crayon and colored pencil on printed paper

Ree Morton
Untitled (Woodgrain, Flower Parts)

48,3 x 63,5 cm
crayon and colored pencil on printed paper

Sylvia Plimack-Mangold / Sylvia Plimack Mangold Maple Tree Detail 2008  2008 62 x 77 cm oil on linen

Sylvia Plimack Mangold
Maple Tree Detail 2008

62 x 77 cm
oil on linen

Glen Rubsamen / Glen Rubsamen Irretrievable  2014 50,1 x 50,1 cm acrylic on panel

Glen Rubsamen

50,1 x 50,1 cm
acrylic on panel

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1986 56,7 x 76,5 cm pencil and color crayon on paper

Fred Sandback

56,7 x 76,5 cm
pencil and color crayon on paper

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1975 243,8 x 182,9 x 182,9 cm black acrylic yarn, four strands, parallel, not twisted

Fred Sandback

243,8 x 182,9 x 182,9 cm
black acrylic yarn, four strands, parallel, not twisted

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Book  2009 25,5 x 18,5 x 1,8 cm; 17 x 12,5 x 2cm 58 watercolor, pencil and collage drawings in a book on wood panel

Richard Tuttle

25,5 x 18,5 x 1,8 cm;
17 x 12,5 x 2cm
58 watercolor, pencil and collage drawings in a book on wood panel

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Brown Bars in Rectangle  1969 22,8 x 30,5 cm pencil and watercolor/brown on paper

Richard Tuttle
Brown Bars in Rectangle

22,8 x 30,5 cm
pencil and watercolor/brown on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Six Part Reduction from Cube to Plane)  1969 22,8 x 30,5 cm paper cubes in a plexiglas case

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Six Part Reduction from Cube to Plane)

22,8 x 30,5 cm
paper cubes in a plexiglas case

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 1  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 1

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 2  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 2

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 3  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 3

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 4  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 4

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 5  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 5

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 6  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 6

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 7  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 7

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 8  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 8

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 9  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 9

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 10  1977 ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm in artists frame watercolor and collage on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings) I 10

ten drawings, each: 36 x 28 cm
in artists frame
watercolor and collage on paper