
20. Juni bis 4. Oktober 2014
Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Joseph Egan, Richard Tuttle, Fred Sandback, James Bishop, Sylvia Plimack-Mangold

Linie, Form, Farbe und Räumlichkeit - die Werke in dieser Ausstellung exemplifizieren (Nelson Goodman) auf vielfältige Weise die Bausteine unserer Wirklichkeit.

Alle Arbeiten sind sinnlich-materiale Objekte, doch nicht alle Werke können umstandslos den traditionellen Kategorien Malerei, Skulptur, Zeichnung zugeordnet werden. Gerade durch die Merkmale, die eine solche Klassifizierung schwierig macht, entsteht eine fruchtbare und produktive Differenz.

Der Bezug auf unsere Wahrnehmung ist ein zentrales Anliegen dieser Kunst, die eine bewusste und ästhetische Sicht auf unsere Lebenswelt vermittelt.

Juli/August nach telefonischer Vereinbarung geöffnet.

Installation views

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Büro

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 1

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 2

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 2

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 2

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 3

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 4

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 4

 				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Joseph Egan,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Fred Sandback,  				James Bishop,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Sommerausstellung

Installation view Raum 4


Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Tilted Form with color ink washes superimposed  1987  Wall Drawing #524 Water based acrylic Drawn by Nicolai Angelov Photo: Thomas Cugini, Zürich

Sol LeWitt
Tilted Form with color ink washes superimposed

Wall Drawing #524
Water based acrylic

Drawn by Nicolai Angelov

Photo: Thomas Cugini, Zürich

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Horizontal Bands (More or Less)  2002  154 x 147 cm Gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Horizontal Bands (More or Less)

154 x 147 cm
Gouache on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Plane/Figure  1992  105.4 x 148.6 cm Graphite on paper

Robert Mangold

105.4 x 148.6 cm
Graphite on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Three Color Frame Painting  1985  92 x 81.3 cm   Acrylic and pencil on paper

Robert Mangold
Three Color Frame Painting

92 x 81.3 cm 
Acrylic and pencil on paper

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan on Hydra (Nr. 8)  2013  57 x 49 x 1 cm Various paints on canvas  Joseph Egan on Hydra (Nr. 10)  2013  57 x 50 x 1 cm Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan
on Hydra (Nr. 8)

57 x 49 x 1 cm
Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan
on Hydra (Nr. 10)

57 x 50 x 1 cm
Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan on Hydra (Nr. 8)  2013  57 x 49 x 1 cm Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan
on Hydra (Nr. 8)

57 x 49 x 1 cm
Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan on Hydra (Nr. 10)  2013  57 x 50 x 1 cm Various paints on canvas

Joseph Egan
on Hydra (Nr. 10)

57 x 50 x 1 cm
Various paints on canvas

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Source  2012  7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Richard Tuttle

7 parts, each: 59.5 x 21 cm
Pencil, colored pencil and collage (grey cardboard)

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1974  162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

Fred Sandback

162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm
Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1974  162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

Fred Sandback

162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm
Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1974  162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

Fred Sandback

162.6 x 304.8 x 15.2 cm
Red acrylic yarn, untwisted

James Bishop / James Bishop Brown / Red  1969  189.5 x 188.5 cm Oil on canvas

James Bishop
Brown / Red

189.5 x 188.5 cm
Oil on canvas

Sylvia Plimack-Mangold / Sylvia Plimack Mangold The Pin Oak  2010 / 2013  37 x 60 cm Graphite and watercolor on paper

Sylvia Plimack Mangold
The Pin Oak

2010 / 2013
37 x 60 cm
Graphite and watercolor on paper

Sylvia Plimack-Mangold / Sylvia Plimack Mangold The Pin Oak 6/15/02  2002  56 x 76.2 cm   Watercolor and pencil on paper

Sylvia Plimack Mangold
The Pin Oak 6/15/02

56 x 76.2 cm 
Watercolor and pencil on paper